Substance Use Treatment in Roswell, GA

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Admissions counselor going over the levels of care for addiction in Roswell

What Are The Different Levels Of Addiction Care In Roswell?

May 20, 2024

Substance use disorders are typically as unique as the people afflicted by them. Therefore, the severity of your addiction and the symptoms you face will differ from others. But to help you understand the types of available treatments, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has defined five different levels of addiction care in Roswell and beyond. See what you will find at each level and why a continuum of care for addiction recovery is important.

Levels Of Addiction Treatment

You will find five levels of addiction treatment. But, certain levels are broken down further into subsets, as detailed here. We’ll investigate these levels by descending from the most serious| form of care to the least.

Level 4: Medically-managed Intensive Inpatient

IndividualsPatients at his level have serious substance use disorders requiring immediate medical attention. For most, recovery begins here with a medically guided detox. People stay at the center for 24-7 support from withdrawal symptoms and to advance their mental and physical stability. Keeping you protected is the foremost objective. Medications are provided to mitigate symptoms, and mental health care usually starts at this point to delve into the psychological facets of addiction.

Level 3: Inpatient / Residential Services

Inpatient substance use rehab, often referenced as residential treatment, is what you will discover at Level 3. Numerous patients will start these programs once they’ve been through detox. You will live on the premises and enjoy access to the following:

  • 24-7 care
  • Group therapy, peer support, and individual therapy to develop helpful coping mechanisms and dig into the origins of addiction
  • Support for co-occurring disorders
  • Medication management to ease withdrawal
  • A structured living environment away from triggers of substance use
  • Planning for future care

Level 3 programs can be broken down further into these groups:

  • 3.1 Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Services: Includes a minimum of five hours of clinical services every week. Relapse circumvention, recovery skills, and navigating emotions are focused on.
  • 3.3 Clinically Managed Population-Specific High-Intensity Residential Services: This level of treatment is intended for patients who could have cognitive or other ailments typically found with substance use disorders. Treatment may move forward at a more deliberate pace with additional reinforcement. Providers need to be able to recognize when an individual should be placed at this level due to co-occurring disorders, withdrawal symptoms, or additional factors.
  • 3.5 Clinically Managed High-Intensity Residential Services: Treatment moves forward at a normal pace but is designed to benefit people with more than one active concern. Patients could have needs like a co-occurring disorder, difficulty shifting to more acceptable behaviors, or a functional restriction.
  • 3.7 Medically Monitored High-Intensity Inpatient Services: Patients at this top tier of level 3 need constant psychological or medical monitoring in a 24-hour facility but not daily interaction with a physician.

Level 2: Partial Hospitalization / Intensive Outpatient

At this stage, individuals are stabilized and clear to reside at home while getting frequent therapy at an authorized facility. Patients will require an intensive schedule of treatment 3-5 days a week, but Level 2 is a level down from inpatient rehab and can be categorized further into the following:

  • Level 2.1, Intensive Outpatient: Patients in intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) receive between 9 to 19 hours of substance use disorder therapy every week. You will find different types of therapy with an emphasis on grasping the triggers and origins of drug and alcohol use.
  • Level 2.5, Partial Hospitalization: With a similar objective as IOP, partial hospitalization is more intensive, with no less than 20 hours of substance use treatment each week.

Level 1: Outpatient Services

This level of addiction care in Roswell involves outpatient treatment of less than nine hours each week and could be the right option for people who have finished residential care. While living at home, people get addiction and mental health services to remain on a path of recovery.

Level 0.5: Early Intervention

Before an alcohol or drug use disorder is diagnosed, at-risk people could profit from this first level of addiction treatment. Early intervention strives to appraise individuals and provide helpful resources to stop an addiction from taking shape. To illustrate, classes for someone convicted of drunk driving might help circumvent a substance use disorder. Programs like DARE, which guide at-risk young people, also fall into this level.

Praesum Healthcare Provides A Continuum Of Care

Praesum Healthcare is a leading source for substance use treatment and provides a complete continuum of care to assist you wherever you may be on your recovery journey. We can guide you through each phase of care, from detox to outpatient assistance. Dial 470-444-4280 today and take the first step toward a successful recovery.